How to Start a Reaction Paper: Detailed Explanation


Have you ever felt that it was difficult to express your thoughts and impressions of a text you read or a movie you watched? And even more difficult to put your thoughts together and put them on paper? Perhaps you’ve faced the task of writing a reaction paper and you already know these feelings. 

This task may seem daunting, especially if you have no experience in writing such papers. Nevertheless, creating a reaction paper is a fairly frequent task that students have to complete for their class. 

In this article, we will look at the key aspects of writing a reaction paper, from preparing to analyze the source material to useful tips on how to successfully write and defend the paper. Whether you are a beginner or already have some experience, we are sure that your writing will turn out flawlessly with our reaction paper guidelines.

What Is Exactly a Reaction Paper?

Imagine that you are reading a book or watching a movie that evokes strong emotions – joy, sadness, reflection, or even outrage. And now you have to put all these emotions in writing, to argue them, referring to specific details of the work. That is the point of a reaction paper. 

A reaction essay is a special type of writing that aims not only to present facts but also to analyze and react in depth to a particular text, movie, event, or even lecture. 

For example, if you are impressed by a certain scene in a movie, you can analyze in detail why it made you feel that way. Perhaps it was the skillful acting, the director’s particular style, the music, or the deep symbolism of the scene. 

This genre of essay writing requires you not only to understand the content, but also have critical thinking skills. You think about why this particular text or movie has affected you so much, what personal beliefs or life experiences have been affected. 

It is also important to remember that a response paper is always a subjective work, where there are no right answers. So do not worry that you are writing something wrong or your opinion is wrong. Because it is not. Every opinion has the right to exist if it is logically argued and supported by examples from the material.

How To Prepare For The Prewriting Stage?

Before you start writing a good reaction paper, there are a number of tasks that need to be completed. It is a step that should not be skipped, because the success of your work depends on it. This stage is useful for organizing your thoughts, understanding the source material, and identifying the main points that require special attention. Let’s take a closer look at how to prepare for this draft stage.

Study The Original Source

Before you start writing, it’s important to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the source material you’ll be responding to. It can be a book, article, movie, or other type of media. Read or watch it carefully, paying attention to the details. It is recommended that you do this several times to fully understand the main idea and subtexts. The main points to pay attention to:

  • author;
  • title;
  • сontext;
  • thesis;
  • supporting ideas. 

Conducting research

Sometimes the text you are responding to may require additional research. For example, if the piece refers to historical events or contains complex concepts, it is important to do some extra work to understand the context. You can use library access, online resources, or scholarly articles to gain an in-depth understanding of the topic.

Creating notes

Taking notes means not only writing down information, but also comprehending and structuring it. It seems that it is the easiest task, but we believe effective notes are the real art. All you need to do is highlight the main points in different colors, write down your own reactions, whatever they may be, and formulate questions as you read the source material. Do you understand the author’s idea, do you agree with his arguments, etc.

Put all the pieces together 

So, you’ve read the story, taken notes, and now it’s time to put it all together. Create a short summary to help organize your thoughts and see the big picture. It’s important to include the author and title of the work, the main topic it addresses, the author’s main thesis, and the key arguments and ideas that support his or her opinion.

But that’s not all. Now it’s time to turn on your critical thinking and analyze what actually happened. Try to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the work. 

Ask yourself the following questions, it will help you understand the work more deeply: 

  • What did the author do well? 
  • Where did he or she lack arguments or logic? 
  • What points did you have doubts about? 
  • Why did the author choose this topic?
  • What exactly is he trying to convey?
  • How does he support his arguments? 
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And finally, a personal reaction. How did this work affect you? Did it evoke any emotions? Did it change your point of view? Think about what you would ask the author if you had the opportunity. This will help you better understand not only the work but also your own thoughts and feelings about it.

Reaction Paper Outline

So, once you’ve prepared, it’s time to start writing your response. But it’s important to have a clear plan, because structure is essential, especially in college. The structure of your text is like a skeleton that holds the whole work together. If you put everything on the shelves correctly, your document will be clear, logical, and will definitely convince anyone.


Out of all key steps, the first one at this stage is to create an introductory paragraph. An introduction is something that attracts the reader’s attention and sets them up to perceive your work. Here it is important to determine what your thesis will be – the main idea around which the entire structure of the essay will be built. 

Your introduction should tell what the paper will be about and give a general overview of what you plan to discuss. Think about how you can interest the reader: maybe you can use an interesting quote, a provocative question, or something else that will look cool and attract attention to your first paragraph.

Besides, here’s a little trick: try to create several thesis statements and choose the one that suits you best. If the process of sketching out options is difficult, we recommend using methods such as mind mapping. 


When you write body paragraphs, you don’t have to strictly follow the standard three-paragraph structure as in regular academic papers. It is important that the number of body paragraphs you write can vary – perhaps two, four, or even five. The main thing is that each paragraph clearly fulfills its role and helps to explain and support your main idea.

Think about how best to organize your text so that each paragraph focuses on a different part of the topic. For example, if you are analyzing a book, you can divide the text so that each paragraph deals with a specific chapter or key point. 

Don’t be afraid to go beyond the standard paragraph structure. You can always customize the text so that it best reflects your thoughts and arguments. Please use more paragraphs for a deeper analysis, or vice versa, fewer if you can express everything clearly in a few key points. 


After body paragraphs, It is time for your final chord of your reaction text. In conclusion, you make a summary of everything you have discussed so far and make your final points. In your text the reader must find the answers on such question: 

  • What were the key points of your assessment?
  • Which arguments did you find most convincing and why?

Your conclusion should confirm what you stated in the introduction and show how your analysis supports this idea. You can share any final thoughts or recommendations, please be creative. You may want to propose a new innovative approach to the topic or raise a question that has not been answered. 

List of Citations

When you write an essay or any academic paper, it is important not to forget about the bibliography. It seems like a small thing, but getting it right can really make a difference in how your reaction paper format looks. To make sure that everything is perfect and your essay looks professional, here are some tips on how to format a bibliography in a cool way.

Here are the top 3 styles and how to properly format a bibliography to keep everything in order: 

  • APA style

Book: Last name, First name initial. (Year). Title of the book. The publisher.

Article in the journal: Last name, First name initial. (Year). Title of the article. Journal title, Volume (Number), pages. DOI (if available)

  • MLA style

Book: Last name, First name. Title of the book. Publisher, Year.

Article in the journal: Last name, First name. “Title of the article.” Journal title, volume, number, year, pages.

  • Chicago style

Book: Last name, First name. Year. Title of the book. City of publication: Publisher.

Article in the journal: Surname, Name. Year. “Title of the article.” Name of the journal volume (number): pages.

Reaction Essay Example


Begin by briefly describing the Netflix series “Emily in Paris”, which follows a young American girl Emily Cooper who moves to Paris to work at an advertising agency “Savoir”. Point out that the show has become popular for its vivid portrayal of French culture and life in Paris. 

Provide a few details about the series, such as the year it aired, key characters, and the general plot. Mention that the show is often compared to real life in France and that it represents a certain image of French culture.

Clearly state your thesis about how the series represents France, in what ways it differs from real French culture, and what impression it makes on the audience.

Paragraph 1

Analyze how the series uses cultural stereotypes about France. For example, consider how French customs, cuisine, fashion, and romantic relationships are portrayed through the lens of stereotypes. To prove the presence of stereotypes, provide specific examples of scenes or episodes that demonstrate the use of stereotypes. 

Paragraph 2

Here you can point out how the series differs from real life in France. Use specific scenes or storylines that show these differences. These could be moments that seem unrealistic or overly simplistic. 


There should be three points in this section, namely a summary, an evaluation, and recommendations. Summarize the main points you have addressed in the essay. 

Give your overall opinion, i.e. Do you think that the series influences the perception of culture and life in France? And end your essay with recommendations for viewers or critics that might help to better understand the real French context or avoid common stereotypes.

How To Improve Your Reaction Paper

When you start writing a reaction paper, the task may not seem as easy as it seems at first glance. To make your paper not just correct, but truly impressive, you need to know a few tricks. Here are a few life hacks and phrases that will help writing an essay!

Start with a clear thesis statement 

To grab the reader’s attention right away, state what your reaction paper will be about. You can say something like: “The main idea that I want to discuss is…” or “The key point that I think is important is…“. This way, the reader will quickly understand what you are getting at.

Use effective words to express your thoughts

Use active verbs to make your ideas clear. Instead of “I think that”, it’s better to say “I believe“, “I analyze“, “I notice“, “I evaluate“. For example: “In my opinion, the author researched the topic very deeply…“, or “This aspect of the text impressed me because…“.

Support your thoughts with examples

To make your conclusions convincing, support them with specific examples. Use phrases like “For example,” “In particular,” “This can be seen when…”. It will make your argument even stronger and clearer.

Criticize constructively

If you need to express criticism, do it delicately. Instead of “It is bad,” say “This aspect could be improved if…“. It will help you to be objective and professional, even when you disagree with something.

End with a great summary

After you have revealed all your thoughts, summarize them clearly. Use phrases such as “So, I can say that…“, “In general, my attitude to this text is that…“. It will help you summarize the main points and leave a clear impression.

If you’re looking for inspiration, you can look at sample statements on topics that interest you or use an essay writing service to learn how professionals approach this.

Do’s & Don’ts of Writing a Reaction Paper

Writing a reaction essay has a number of rules and guidelines that you already know. Let’s take a look at what to do and what to avoid so that your thesis statement is clear, convincing, and meets all the requirements.

Do’s Don’ts
Understand the Assignment Ignore the Prompt
Make a Strong Thesis Statement Write Without Planning
Structure Your Paper Effectively Be Too Vague
Use Clear and Concise Language Forget to Cite Sources
Support Your Opinions with Evidence Overlook Proofreading
Revise and Edit Thoroughly

If you still don’t have a clear plan of how to write a reaction paper in your head, we recommend finding an online reaction paper writing service that would help you write a notch reaction paper. 


So, here we are at the end of our guide on how to start a reaction paper. We hope you now feel more confident when it comes to writing this type of essay. Remember that the main goal is not just to present facts, but also to share your own impressions and thoughts. Start with a clear thesis statement, structure your thoughts, and don’t be afraid to show your personality. 

If you still have doubts or are not sure about something, don’t hesitate to ask for help or look at reaction paper example. And, of course, enjoy the process. It’s a perfect opportunity to show how you see the world and how impressions of what you read or see can change.

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