How to Write a Dissertation: Answers To All Your Questions


A dissertation is one of the last steps a student takes on the way to a scientific career. It is a time-consuming process that requires a lot of effort and extensive knowledge. Some people think that it is easy to conduct research, to gather information that has already been written before into a single whole. But it is a misconception. 

Most students underestimate the importance of writing a thesis, even though successful graduation depends on this task. High quality writing, topic, length, and even presentation skills can guarantee an excellent result. Below, you can find a complete guide and information on what a dissertation is, how to choose a thesis statement, how to write a dissertation, and the main steps to take before the dissertation defense, etc. 

But If you struggle with any part of this process, you might consider seeking help from a dissertation writing service. Our professional writers collect all the necessary information about the dissertation process and everything related to it.

What is a dissertation?

Anyone who decides to write a dissertation accomplishes a real feat, because this work requires not only deep knowledge and professional skills, but also great patience, perseverance, and faith in one’s own abilities.  

So what is a dissertation? A dissertation is a scientific work that is the result of the author’s independent research and presents new, previously unknown scientific knowledge or a solution to a specific scientific problem. It is a prerequisite for obtaining a PhD or doctoral program.

The main purpose of the dissertation is to demonstrate the researcher’s ability to conduct independent scientific research and make original contributions to the chosen field of knowledge. 

It is achieved through an in-depth analysis of the available literature, development of a research methodology, conducting experiments or studies, and interpretation of the results. In short, the typical structure of a dissertation includes a description of the research problem, its relevance, analysis of previous studies on the topic, and identification of knowledge gaps.

Also, one of the main elements that should be present is a description of the methods and approaches that were used to conduct the research. Of course, the student must present the data obtained and analyze them. In particular, to compare with previous studies, to note possible limitations and to recommend steps for further research.

Dissertations Vs. Thesis 

In higher education, there are two main types of written work that students and researchers complete to obtain various academic degrees: a dissertation and a thesis. Although both documents have a common goal of demonstrating the author’s scientific knowledge and research skills, there are significant differences between them. 

These differences are reflected in the scope, depth of research, structure, and purpose of writing. Understanding these differences is important for students who are planning their academic path and striving to successfully complete their research projects.

A thesis is a written paper that students usually write for a bachelor’s or master’s degree. They are smaller in scope and focus on analyzing and synthesizing existing knowledge on a particular topic. 

Its aim is intended to show the student’s ability to think critically and analyze available information, demonstrating the ability to conduct independent research within the known knowledge.

The structure of a dissertation includes the following sections: introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions. Theses have a similar structure, but are often less detailed.

Moreover, a dissertation is usually a large document, ranging from 100 to 300 pages or more, depending on the level of the degree and the field of study. It can take several years of research and writing. In contrast, theses are much shorter, usually between 40 and 100 pages, and are written within one or two semesters.

In conclusion, a dissertation and a thesis differ in terms of scope, depth of research, and level of academic qualification. A thesis aims to produce new knowledge, while a dissertation focuses on analyzing and synthesizing existing knowledge. Here you can find a short summarized table: 

Characteristics Dissertation Thesis
Purpose Contribution of new knowledge to science  Analysis and synthesis of available information
Qualification level Candidate or Doctor of Science  Bachelor or Master
Length 100 – 300 pages and more  40 – 100 pages
Structure Introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions  Introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions
Writing time Several years One or two semesters
Depth of research  In-depth, original research  Analysis of existing knowledge

Dissertation Structure 

Writing a dissertation is a complicated process that all your friends, professors, and the Internet have already scared you about, but taking detailed notes can simplify and organize your efforts. But if you are a student, and you need to write a dissertation but you don’t know how to write a dissertation, don’t worry. 

We’ll go over the structure to make it easier for you to navigate the process. We will explain how to prepare each element of the work so that you can move confidently from the beginning to the end of your assignment.

Cover page

The title page is the first thing the reader sees, so it is important that it is properly designed and meets the requirements of your educational institution. Usually, the title page contains the title of the dissertation, the name of the author, the name of the educational institution, faculty, department, supervisor, place and year of writing. It is important to follow all the requirements for formatting, which may vary from university to university.


The acknowledgments section is a place where you can express your gratitude to those who helped you in the process of writing. These may include your supervisor, professors, colleagues, friends, and family. 

The acknowledgements should not be too long, but they should be sincere and specific, emphasizing the importance of the contribution of each of those who supported you along the way.


The abstract is a brief overview, usually between 150 and 300 words. It should outline the main idea, objective, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. The text should be concise and clear, as it is often the first text that potential reviewers and other interested parties read.

Table of contents

It is a navigation section that helps readers quickly find the sections and subsections they need in your dissertation. It contains the titles of all chapters and subsections with page numbers. 

Make sure that the table of contents reflects all the main parts of your dissertation and their structure. It will make it much easier for both you and those who will read it to work with the text.

List of figures and tables

If there are figures, graphs, or tables in your chapters, you should create a separate list for them. This list helps readers quickly find visuals that illustrate your data or findings. Please don’t forget to include the numbers, titles, and pages on which the figures and tables appear.

List of abbreviations

If you use specific abbreviations, acronyms, or acronyms in your chapters, you should create a list of them with explanations. It will help readers understand specific terms and avoid misunderstandings. You have to place the list of abbreviations at the beginning of the dissertation, after the table of contents. It is the obligatory academic rule.


A glossary is a dictionary of terms used in the text. It explains the meaning of specialized terms and concepts that are important for easier understanding. It is especially useful if your research contains a lot of technical terms or jargon.


Now it is high time for you to introduce your dissertation topic, the purpose of the study, and justify its relevance. The introduction should include an overview of the problem of research gap, a brief description of what is already known in the field, and what you plan to investigate. 

It is also important to outline the main research questions and hypotheses, if any. Be careful during writing the introduction, because it sets the tone for the rest of the paper.

Literature review

The next section that you have to include is a literature review. During this step, you analyze and synthesize existing research related to your topic. It helps you to determine what is already known about the topic, what methods have been used in the past, and what research gap in knowledge exists. 

The literature review should be structured and logical, showing your understanding of the topic and your ability to critically evaluate previous research.


In the methodology section, you describe how the research was conducted. It can include data collection methods, tools, procedures, and data analysis. The methodology should be detailed and clear so that other researchers can replicate your study if necessary. It is also important to justify the choice of methods and explain why they are the best for achieving the research goal.


After doing the researches, you have to present the main findings. This section may include textual descriptions, tables, graphs, and figures that illustrate the findings. Please present the results clearly and concisely, without interpretation or discussion of their meaning. The results should answer the main research questions and confirm or refute the hypotheses.


The section that requires the most creativity from you.  Because it is where you interpret your findings and explain their significance in the context of existing knowledge. 

Here, you can compare your findings with those of other studies, discuss possible causes and consequences of your findings, and offer recommendations for future research.


Here, you briefly but vividly emphasize the most important results and explain why they are so essential. Don’t forget to mention that not everything was covered and what questions should be addressed in the future. The main thing is to clearly show how your research changes our understanding of the topic.


A bibliography is a list of all the sources you used in the process of writing your dissertation. It is very important to cite them correctly so that others can easily find these sources and continue your work. Each educational institution has its own rules for bibliographies, so check with your supervisor.


These are additional materials that may be of interest to those who want to delve into the details. These can be tables, graphs, questionnaires – anything that will help to better understand your research. The main thing is not to overload the reader, but only to add valuable information.

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The Most Common Mistakes When Writing A Dissertation
Even the best researchers can make mistakes that affect the quality of their work. But don't worry, these mistakes can be avoided if you know about them in advance.

Choosing a topic

Choosing a topic is one of the most important steps in writing a dissertation. A poor choice of topic can lead to a loss of interest and motivation. First of all, choose a topic that really interests you and in which you have some knowledge. Do you have enough material to research? How will your choice affect the scientific community?

Poor planning

Poor planning is one of the most common mistakes that researchers make. Not having a detailed plan can lead to delays and problems with organization. Allocate your time so that you have enough time for each stage of the work: research, writing, editing, and presentation. Create a work schedule and stick to it.

Insufficient literature research

It can negatively affect the quality of your chapters. A literature review is the foundation for your research. Review scholarly articles, books, and other sources to gather as much information as possible on your topic. This will help you better understand the context and identify gaps in existing research.

Lack of a clear structure

A lack of a clear structure in your dissertation can make it difficult to understand. Structure your work so that it is logical and consistent. Divide it into chapters, sections and subsections, starting with the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Misquoting and plagiarism

It is a serious violations of academic ethics. Always properly cite the sources from which you take information. Use the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, or Chicago) and follow its requirements. Plagiarism can lead to serious consequences, including expulsion from the university.

Failure to comply with formatting requirements

Not paying attention to formatting requirements can ruin the overall impression of your dissertation. Each university has its own requirements for text formatting. Make sure that your dissertation meets these requirements, including text formatting, citation style, and the layout of tables and figures.

Neglecting editing and proofreading

Neglecting editing and proofreading can make your chapters look less professional. After you finish writing, give yourself time to rest and then go over the text again. Check grammar, spelling, and style. Get someone else to proofread your work – a fresh set of eyes may catch mistakes you missed.

Guidelines on How To Write A Dissertation

1. Start with a clear plan of the dissertation steps

The first step of a dissertation is to draw up a detailed work plan. Make research about how to write a dissertation proposal. Reviewing examples of successful proposals will help you not to get confused and complete all the tasks consistently. Write down each stage, from the preliminary research to the final proofreading.

2. Develop a research proposal

A research proposal is a document in which you describe your topic, research questions, methodology, and expected results. This is an important step that will help you to clearly define the direction of your work and get feedback from your supervisor.

3. Structure the content

The content of the dissertation online should be clear and logical. Include all the main sections, such as introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, bibliography, and appendices. This will help you and your readers to easily navigate through the work.

4. Identify the main research questions

Research questions are what you want to answer in your paper. They should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the purpose of the study. A clear definition of the questions will help you focus your efforts on the important aspects of the research.

5. Control the word count

Stick to the word limit for each section. This will help to avoid over-extending some parts and ensure an even distribution of information. Sticking to the word count will also make the proofreading and editing process easier.

6. Follow the university’s guidelines

Each institution has its own guidelines for writing a dissertation. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with these guidelines and follow them during the writing process. This applies to the format, style, citation, and structure of the dissertation.

7. Ask questions at every stage

Do not hesitate to ask questions of your supervisor or colleagues. This will help you avoid misunderstandings and ensure that you complete your tasks correctly. Questions can relate to both the content and technical aspects of the work.

8. Proofread your work thoroughly

Proofreading is a key step in writing a dissertation. After completing the draft, carefully check your work for errors, inaccuracies, and logical inconsistencies. Invite someone else to review your work as well – a fresh perspective is always helpful.

9. Deepen your research

Research is the foundation of your dissertation. Spend enough time collecting and analyzing data, using different sources of information, and critically analyzing the materials you find. In-depth research will ensure the high quality of your work.

10. Get regular feedback

Regular feedback from your supervisor will help you identify and correct mistakes in time, clarify the direction of your research, and improve the quality of your work. Remember that this is a collaborative effort, and feedback is an integral part of the process.

Bonus tip: Use a glossary for special terms

A glossary helps readers understand the special terms and concepts you use in your work. This is especially important for technical or highly specialized topics. Place the glossary at the beginning of your dissertation to provide easy access to explanations of terms.

By following these tips, you will know how to write a dissertation and be able to organize the process of writing your dissertation, reduce stress, and improve the quality of your work. Good luck with this important academic task!

Don’t Afraid of Asking for Dissertation Help

Fear of writing a dissertation is often associated with a number of factors. Many students are worried that their work may not be recognized as sufficiently independent. Others are afraid that asking for help might affect their reputation or even lead to academic consequences. But these fears are often exaggerated.

The main causes of fear:

  • Self-doubt. 
  • Stereotypes and prejudices. 

Many students doubt their abilities and are afraid to admit that they need help. This insecurity may be the result of previous experiences where students have had difficulty with other academic tasks. It can also be a result of the high demands that students place on themselves in an effort to achieve excellence.

Also there is a perception that asking for help is a sign of weakness. Such stereotypes are spread among students and teachers, which can create additional pressure on those who need support. Society often emphasizes independence and individual achievement, which leads to the fear of being judged for asking for help.

Students can overcome fears by examining dissertation examples. These examples offer insights into how to structure and present a dissertation. As a result, students become more confident in their work. Moreover, learning from successful examples reduces anxiety.

Feel free to contact us for any help you may need, whether it is with a dissertation or an essay. Our best online essay writing service is ready to assist you at any time.

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