How to Write an Abstract for a Dissertation: Things You Didn’t Know

Abstract writing is absolutely not a new thing. Scholars used to jot down a summary of their research in the XVII century. Since then, this writing has been of great value to others. It lets readers learn the context and message of the text in a couple of minutes. How to write an abstract for a dissertation? Why do universities demand it from their students? Read the article to master this piece of writing like a pro.

Things to Know First

What is a dissertation or thesis? It is a voluminous paper that covers an essential topic in a specific scientific field. It is always detailed with lots of facts and evidence. A researcher provides a serious literature review to provide a grounded research basis. As a result, a paper can take up 100-200 pages. Can one read it in the blink of an eye? No. That is why the thesis and dissertation require a summary

So, the purpose of a traditional abstract is to inform the target reader about the key findings of a researcher. Due to that, professors understand what value their students managed to present in their writing. Consequently, this part of a thesis or dissertation must be as informative as possible. A writer must have the required knowledge background and possess good-level writing skills. 

Below, one can find information about all the steps to take to write a dissertation abstract

Details to Keep in Mind when Writing a Dissertation Abstract 

When chiefs cook something, they use a recipe. Besides, they add their imagination and personal preferences to improve the taste of the dish. Students should do the same when preparing a dissertation abstract.

Below, one can find a recipe for a tasty thesis abstract.

  1. Read your thesis or dissertation and retell it briefly. Use 100-200 words maximum. 
  2. Add essentials to your resume.
  3. Stay objective by using third-person viewpoint writing.
  4. Delete or replace words that complicate the reading and general comprehension of the text.
  5. Be specific and avoid generalizing.
  6. Keep to the assigned format. Your mentor should provide it when assigning the task.
  7. Include keywords that mirror the essence of your paper.
  8. Delete things that can be avoided to prevent information overload.
  9. Think of a publishing source (a newspaper, a magazine, or some online website) where your writing can meet recognition.
  10. Double-check the given data to avoid misinterpretation and fakes.
  11. Address only reputable sources to introduce the existing knowledge concerning the dissertation or thesis topic and its gaps.
  12. Avoid slang and words that non-English speaking readers may not understand. Clarity is your everything. 

This list reflects the requirements for a good abstract but it does not tell how to write a dissertation summary. Except for the recipe with the ingredients, one needs a step-by-step guide. 

ABC Guide to Dissertation Abstract Writing

This is a guide that can help beginners write a good dissertation abstract. Senior students can use it not to forget essential things and create a stunning PhD thesis summary. So, how to create a descriptive abstract?

Step 1. Analyze your target reader’s expectations

Each research paper has its target reader. It can be a student, an educator, or another researcher. Thanks to this analysis, writers know what topic to research or what language to use. There is no need to analyze and reflect things that the target audience already knows. One should search for an idea that can intrigue them. 

Step 2. Introduce your methods

It is impossible to write a quality paper without properly selected research methods. Here, one explains what writers did to collect the required information and facts. Some researchers use advanced tools and equipment. Research methodology can involve qualitative and quantitative methods. One can experiment, and another one can observe and describe. 

The chosen research methodology must be to the point. The selected methods must help researchers gather unique data or analyze it on a good level. This part describes the path of the writer from the literature review to the unique discovery. 

If a person researched alone, this section should include such expressions like “when I analyzed the article by…” or “when I was interviewing …”. If it was teamwork, the narration should sound like “we managed to find out …”, “our observation”, “we created the diagram to introduce our findings in numbers”, and others. 

Such expressions do not sound abstract. They mirror a writer’s involvement, expertise, applied methodology, and contribution. 

Step 3. Highlight your outcomes

These sentences are the most important for mentors. First, teachers evaluate the dissertation topic and the problem their students want to research. Then, they track their progress. Yet, the most significant part for them is the final result. The outcomes demonstrate the quality of their students’ efforts. They show if the selected methods were chosen correctly. 

Eventually, writers should do their best to write this information in the best way possible. The readers must understand that the conducted research is vital and the paper deserves their attention. Only this part can make them read the whole dissertation or thesis.

Step 4. Write introductory sentences

It might sound and look weird that this is only the fourth step, not the first one. Nevertheless, it is hard to predict the outcome of the research. When a person writes a dissertation or thesis, the investigation can lead a writer to different results. That is why the introduction is better to write in the end. It must be brief, catchy, and convincing. There must be no biased opinions or dual positions. 

As a rule, a usual custom dissertation writing service uses various hooks in this part. This can be one of the following approaches.

  • A joke. This approach is a rare thing but still, it occurs. Such a joke usually reflects the core idea or objectives of the paper. It cheers up the readers and welcomes them to reading without excessive seriousness. 
  • A citation. This approach connects readers with someone who has already researched the topic. One should choose a respectful person whose words bear credibility and trust. 
  • A rhetorical question. When writers ask their readers a question that has no answers they catch their attention. Readers demand the answer and start reading the paper to solve the puzzle. 
  • A fact. This is the most popular tool for introduction hooks. Thesis papers must be credible and carry useful discoveries or innovations. Yet, numbers are always impressive and convincing. 

All in all, the introductory part must strike the target reader with unique information that they can hardly find in other sources.

Step 5. Discuss the results

Finally, one must answer the question, “How does anyone benefit from the information I have found and presented here?” Researchers must tell where their outcomes can be used. The findings can be useful for other research activities and specific needs of people. 

There can be theoretical and practical applications of the findings. For example, other students can use this information for their investigation and continue their studies. Speaking about practical application, a thesis must concern such disciplines as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, etc. For example, a dissertation about the healing qualities of some herbs can be applied in medicine, biology, pharmacology, and related life areas. 

Such an application is long-term. It has nothing to do with now or never issues. So, a research paper must concern significant research ideas. 

Step 6. Check the informational structure

Unlike traditional intro-body-conclusion writing, an abstract structure includes only such contextual parts:

  • Overview of the aims and topic
  • Methods used in research
  • Results and findings
  • Discussion of the findings 

This paper does not require specific structural formatting. It does not have headings and subheadings. The word limit lets a writer only summarize ideas and evaluate personal contributions. Its main job is to answer the question, “Why is my thesis abstract better than other abstracts”?

How to Make it Top-notch: Tips from Experts
As one may conclude, abstract writing is not that simple. However, educators pay attention not only to the table of contents. Mentors also take a close look at other details, including the formatting and grammar. Students usually miss a lot of things that influence their final grade. Luckily, there are many tools that might help avoid these troubles.

Writing Assistance Tools

These tools let students improve grammar and make the text more readable.

  1. Grammarly: It is a tool that can make your writing much more perfect. It checks all the possible grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and most important writing style issues. It also gives tips on wording to help you be more straight and concise in your paper.
  2. Hemingway Editor: This app is very light but it does a lot of. It identifies complex and multi-syllable sentences. It colors passive voice and adverbs that academic writing usually tries to avoid. It helps make a dissertation or thesis abstract straightforward and commanding.
  3. ProWritingAid: Comparable to Grammarly, but provides more in-depth reports and might be a good fit for academic writing. It assists users with style, structure, readability, and other things.

One can paste texts or type inside the tools to check errors and enhance the text quality.

Collabo Tools 

Such tools are great for collaboration and feedback on design work.

  • Google Docs: One can share the drafts in real time with the mentor. Educators can also give comments and ideas concerning the quality enhancement of an abstract.
  • Overleaf: It is a good tool for students with super-specific formatting requirements. It supports real-time editing as well.

Such collaboration tools are excellent not only for good abstract writing. They are a must for group projects. 

Plagiarism Checkers

The biggest mistake of students is to copy-paste their academic papers. These tools let one ensure the text lacks plagiarism.

  • TurnitIn for Plagiarism: Some tutors use it to check if there is not a second copy on the Internet. 
  • Quetext: It is another great plagiarism checker to keep academic writing on the straight and narrow.

Some tools provide integrations. However, only a couple of plagiarism checkers are free. Most of them offer a limited number of characters. Still, a dissertation abstract is short. So, it can match the needs for a free check. 

Reference Management

Proper formatting is a must for all academic papers. These tools are easy to use. A person provides the required data or pastes the link to initiate a generation process. 

  • Mendeley: This tool helps one manage references while preparing a thesis abstract. It offers many styles for various information sources.
  • Scribbr: It is a simple multi-style citation generator that does not cost a penny.

Such tools have a bibliography and in-text citation format support. Besides, they have cool, accurate examples for each style. 

Abstract Writing Tools

Other tools might help with the enhancement of the content and format. The most popular of them are introduced in the table below. 

Tool What for
Thesaurus Students use it to select words smartly while conveying the message of the thesis. This paper is brief and requires synonyms to avoid repetitions and terms for expertise.
Phrasebank It is a great tool for non-native speakers who struggle with phraseological units. It shows how to use them in sentences. Such a tool is a must for students who study Philology and write reports concerning various research questions
Scrivener It helps writers organize their creative environment. It serves as a perfect outliner for one’s overview. Due to that, students do not forget to add essential notes to their abstracts. 
Cliche finder The tool scans the text and highlights cliche phrases that one should better replace with better alternatives. 
ZeroGPT The tool identifies sentences that a person writes using AI tools. ChatGPT and Quilbot are great, but their texts are robotic. Even though it is not plagiarism, it contradicts the rules of Academic Integrity.
PDF summarizers  Many books are given in PDF format. Reading voluminous books consumes time which is vital for the set deadlines. PDF-summarizers analyze the content and provide a short summary to let researchers get to the core of the source quickly. 

While using these tools a person should keep in mind the following tips.

  • One must not over-rely on them. They are AI-based programs and cannot be 100% correct when suggesting corrections. 
  • Some tools offer many services but only for their Pro users.
  • One should double-check the enhanced content manually. 
  • One should have abstract examples for dissertations to get a clear idea of what to present. 
  • It is better to select words smartly. Too complex lexical units make the text heavy and complicated for comprehension. Too long sentences prevent writers from meeting the word count limit. 

Not all students like this step of academic writing. Corrections steal time and night rest. That is why they usually hire professional writing agencies who can do that instead of them. It is not a violation of academic integrity. Besides, reliable companies keep information about each order a secret. 


A thesis abstract has many purposes. Yet, its prior goal is to provide a smart conclusion for a research paper. There is no more need to look for other expert tips. Everything you need to know is presented in these practical tips. Now, everyone can create a stunning thesis abstract. If there are some difficulties, you should ask for professional support by dropping us a message “write my essay online”. We can assure you that your request will be fulfilled quickly and of the highest quality.

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