The Essence of a Perfect Research Paper Outline

A research paper outline is a detailed structure of a research paper. It usually covers different parts of a study such as a table of contents, an introduction, methodology, literature review, discussion, results, conclusion, etc. With such a comprehensive writing plan at hand, it is easier for students to express their ideas and maintain coherence between different sections.

Developing a structured research paper outline is recommended before you actually get down to writing. However, it is easier said than done. Since there are manifold approaches to making a research outline, students can get totally confused. That’s when our custom research paper writing service comes in handy. Experts at EssayLTD will be pleased to help you with a detailed outline and related tasks.

If you are determined to master the art of making polished outlines yourself, we also have some professional tips for you. This guide contains valuable information on the topic. You will learn about a basic research paper outline, more elaborate structures, must-have sections, the best writing methods, and more. Read till the end and impress your professors with a high-quality academic document.

Standard Elements of a Research Paper Outline

The writing process becomes much easier when you know the structure and sequence of your research paper. Below, you can learn about the standard elements that make up a research paper outline.

Title Page

Figuratively speaking, a title page is the face of your research paper. It should give readers quick information about the essentials. Make sure to specify the following data on your title page:

  • Author’s full name.
  • Title of the page. It usually reflects the core topic or arguments investigated further.
  • The name of the institution or organization you belong to.
  • The submission date of the paper
Element Example
Author’s name William Coke
Paper title Possible Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 
Institutional affiliation Yale University 
Date August 26, 2024

Keep in mind that your title page should be formatted similarly to the rest of your research paper. For instance, if you choose an APA style outline, maintain it in all sections. If you need help with formatting, you can reach out to our team.


An abstract is a short summary of the main points of a research paper. Usually, the size of an abstract is 150-250 words. When writing an abstract, you should aim to give your readers a quick peek into your study. Describe the problem in focus, methods you used, results, and conclusion schematically. By reading an abstract, people can understand whether the entire research paper may interest them.

Sometimes, summarizing a large academic writing piece is challenging. Students can’t manage lots of data and don’t know what is worth mentioning in an abstract. To cope with a task successfully, you should:

  • Concentrate on the key points like objectives, methodology, and findings.
  • Use understandable words and clear explanations. Avoid too many details or examples.
  • Stick to the recommended word limit.
  • Evaluate your abstract and improve readability if needed. 


An introduction is an indispensable part of any academic work be it an essay, a case study, a thesis, an article, a research paper, etc. It sets the context for a paper and sheds light on the main argument or the problem. 

A good introduction should contain some background information. These are certain facts that readers need to know to grasp what will be laid out in the main part of a research essay and understand the importance of the paper. Background information can be presented in several ways:

  • Historical concepts 
  • Present-day trends or issues intertwined with the topic 
  • Relevant study that gives fresh insights into the research question

Another important component of the intro is a thesis statement. It contains the major argument or a hypothesis elaborated on in a research paper. A good thesis statement is specific, arguable, and up-to-the-topic.

Thesis statement example: “Sticking to a plant-based diet is crucial for minimizing heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, especially of life longevity is a top priority”.

Do your best to make an introduction informative and attention-grabbing. If you manage to spike readers’ interest with the beginning of your research paper, they will surely move to the next paragraphs


The biggest part of a research paper is the body. Here you need to present your research in detail and support it with credible samples and evidence. Learn about the constituents of the body below. 

A literature review is a theoretical foundation of your research. Therefore, you need to list all the existing studies pertinent to your topic. By overviewing all available materials, you demonstrate that you studied the topic thoroughly. Besides, this way you can determine the gaps in the literature and show that your research can become an important addition. 

Another key element of a body structure is methods. You need to describe how you conducted the research, so your professors or groupmates can evaluate its credibility. Generally, you should dwell on the materials (questionnaires, lab equipment, etc.) used and procedures carried out (how you selected participant, what ethical guidelines followed, etc.)

The most popular methods are:

Qualitative Interviews, case studies, or focus groups. They are best suited for analyzing human behavior and attitudes.
Quantitative Surveys, experiments, and observations. They work perfectly for statistical analysis and numerical data.
Mixed Takes the most efficient strategies of both methods.

Our research paper writers frequently employ the mixed method, especially if they need to work with different sorts of source data. If you can’t decide which approach to stick to, choosing a mixed one can be a proper solution.

A separate structure piece devoted specifically to the discussion of your research findings is called results. While writing it, you have to explain what you’ve found out and which data you gathered in the course of your study. The length and detail of this part can vary. Just make sure to organize your data properly.

To simplify the perception of your findings, it is recommended to create tables, charts, diagrams, and similar graphic elements. You can alternate them with text fragments. Such structure allows presenting various data in a memorable way.

After the results, you should create a discussion section. Quite often, it is the most challenging part of a research paper to write for students. The main problem is that you need to interpret the results of your study. This requires in-depth analyses of all the processes, a comparison of reference data with what you got, and a critical evaluation of your input into the field.

It happens that students seek out college essay writing help at this point in their research. It is absolutely OK to contact experts, who can manipulate bulks of data and break it down into understandable units. We also share some free writing samples that can be useful for you. 


The last part of a research paper is a conclusion. It is a logical summary of what has been written earlier. Primarily, you should restate all key points of your research. Concentrate on the most important findings and how they answer the questions that guide your study. List all the topics you covered in a brief manner. 

Once you are done with recapping your results, you need to highlight their importance to the field of study. You need to write several sentences about how your work with practical and theoretical ideas can be beneficial to other researchers. 

Now you know how to write an introduction for a research paper, how to organize your thoughts in the body, and how to sum up all important discoveries in the conclusion. However, to create a polished research paper outline, you also need to understand the difference between outline types. More on that below. 

Types of Research Paper Outlines

How to write research paper outline? Well, you need to decide which one you’d like to stick to. There are different points of view on research paper outline variants, but generally an academic society uses 3 styles – alphanumeric research paper outline, decimal research paper format, and full sentence research paper outline. On our website, you can find a detailed research paper outline example of each outline format

Alphanumeric Outline in College Papers

An alphanumeric research paper format is one of the most frequently used outlines. Learners and their teachers like it because of its simplicity and neat organization. When choosing alphanumeric formatting, you need to use Roman numerals, capital letters, Arabic numerals, and lowercase letters for different subsections of your research paper

  • Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV) are used for major sections or main points of your paper. You should mark your introduction, body, and conclusion this way.
  • Capital letters (A, B, C) are needed to define subpoints under each major section. 
  • Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) help define further subpoints under the capital letters. You can insert them when indicating examples in your research paper.
  • Lowercase letters (a, b, c) are used for even smaller topics within a paper.

The biggest advantage of the paper format is its flexibility. Each point can consist of a few keywords or a phrase. No need to write long sentences, which take much time to edit during the drafting stage. 

You can download a research paper outline template to structure your data faster. Besides, take a look at the sample below.

I. Mental Health Benefits of Exercise 

A. Reduces symptoms of depression

1. Release of endorphins

a. Case studies supporting positive effects

B. Lowers anxiety levels

1. Effects of aerobic exercises on anxiety

2. Examples of relaxation and meditation exercises

Decimal Outline

The main characteristic of this formatting type is the hierarchical organization of your research paper. You need to leverage a system of decimal numbering to indicate the relationships between sections and subsections in your paper. If you think that a clear and precise hierarchy is the perfect fit for your document, opt for this research paper outline. Keep in mind that the first main section is marked with the number 1.0. To show different levels of subpoints, you need to add further decimal points. This approach is suitable for an APA research paper, as well as MLA, Harvard, Chicago, and others.

A decimal outline format is great to visually guide readers across a research paper. However, it also immediately indicates how different paragraphs are related. If you have a paper with lots of sub-levels and topics, opt for this writing style.

Have a look at the sample below, to grasp how a decimal format works.

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